Thursday, January 22, 2009

Kind words go a long way

I was at a local event last night, and a staffer from an area publication who I don't see all that often was there. He was talking to a businessman who I did not know.

I'm not sure how much he had to drink - it was early, so I think not much - but the editor greeted me enthusiastically and with a hug, to the point where I was a little surprised and overwhelmed. He proceeded to say some very nice things about me to the businessman as he introduced me.

I'm normally a pretty modest, low-key guy, but compliments are always nice to get, and I really appreciated it in this instance.

Behind the whole hack/flack war, I think it is clear that there is a lot of mutual respect and some strong friendships, which I guess is kind of the point. I was also happy to help another journalist/friend who was out of work get a bit of a jump start on a local opening -- he got the gig, and starts Monday.

The raves I got were not expected, and, I hope, were deserved. I approach my work with an attitude of doing the best I can to advocate for my clients, help the media folks I interact with, and get useful, desired information in front of an interested public. Typically it is behind-the-scenes stuff, but it is always nice when someone notices.

In all, some pretty satisfying things happening in the last couple of weeks, I hope to keep it rolling through the rest of the year.

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