Thursday, November 20, 2008

Integrity and Honestly

Lots of talk out there about the unquestionable integrity and honesty of a golfer this week. You can probably find the story on any news site, as well as, and others.

Seems a gent, J.P. Hayes, was playing in a pro tournament. He accidentally used the wrong ball for two shots on one hole, and let officials there know. He was assessed a two-stroke penalty.

That night, he realized that the ball he used was not sanctioned for use in competition play -- meaning that he would be disqualified from the event -- and lose any chance he had to play on the PGA Tour in 2009 -- if he confessed his mistake.

No one would ever know what had happened. He stood to go on and play in 2009 as a pro on the tour as he always had. Or he could admit the mistake, and miss the cut.

He called tour officials that night to let them know about the mistaken use of a prototype ball.

Commendable, although not all that surprising in the world of golf, which prides itself as being a gentleman's game where players police themselves.

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