Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Scmoozing Made Simple

My Founders breakfast group was blessed to receive a gift at our last meeting from a fellow member, friend and colleague Adrienne Zoble ( -- her annual "Schmoozing Calendar." This year she had it done by those uber-creatives at Toolbox (

Adrienne delivers direct, simple marketing advice, and this calendar distills that perfectly. Each month has weekly suggestions on meetings to have with someone in your network. It also has a brief script or statement of what you might say when you call to invite someone to meet, for those of us who might need a little help on that front.

She says it better than I can:

A wise soul said long ago, "It's not always what you know, it's whom you know." How well are you tapping into the myriad people in your life for mutual leads and referrals?

This calendar provides weekly suggestions of someone you might invite to breakfast, lunch or coffee. Develop confidence and trust in each other. Build relationships and grow your business.

You can get a copy of Adrienne's Schmoozing Calendar from her website,, under the ebooks link.

Full disclosure -- Adrienne has since asked me to help her promote the calendar, so I've created a news release and I'm doing some media relations work to help get the word out.

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