Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Nap Away

I had a conversation not long ago with someone -- maybe a soccer parent -- about going home on a dreary weekend day and taking a nap. He said he probably had not napped in decades. I thought that was odd. Turns out it might be unhealthy, as well.

I have not always been a nap guy, and there are times when I now go an extended time without napping, but a story came out last week that napping is good for you and your memory: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27893642/

Napping when you don't get enough quality sleep at night can help your heart health, may stave off diabetes, and more.

I know I've experienced inferior memories when I've slept too little.

I was also interested in a term -- "sleep bulimia" -- that refers to very late nights followed by sleep-in weekends.

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