Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The "we went to a show" release

A local long-time business seems to have seen the light -- they've gone on a marketing tear, with new ID, new website, putting out lots of press releases.

They are a good business, and do good work/product.

There was one posted to the local chamber website recently -- and it is not one that I would have advised to issue it.

It was the standard "company went with other industry leaders to an industry show" boilerplate piece, with info on what they did and accomplished at the show.

Not newsworthy.

If you are a leader in your industry, I expect you to grow and learn, and not to tell me about it.

Then, because this was way too lean to support a release, they added in a random quote about their new website and how customer-friendly it is. Um, hello. More obvious, not newsworthy information.

If you supply good releases on a regular basis, sending out one that is like this only hurts your credibility.

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